Workshop on Liver health
Boost your energy through nutrition and yoga!
This workshop focuses on how we can positively influence our energy levels through nutrition and yoga. The first hour of the workshop discusses which foods can provide energy and which foods can take away energy. The second hour is a yoga class with attention to a specific organ that positively supports energy management.
We don’t always think about it, but our body is constantly determining where energy is directed to so that we can function properly. Energy can go to the brain so we can think or to our muscles so we can do yoga. But what about energy intended for the liver and its detoxification process?
The liver is central in this workshop. We discuss nutrition and do yoga postures that contribute to optimal detoxification. What exactly does the liver do and which nutrition is suitable for the liver to perform all its tasks? During the yoga class, there will be a strong focus on twisting postures to support the liver functions.
After the workshop you will be buzzing with energy and hopefully hungry for more!
Price per workshop is 39.00 euros.
The workshop is given in Dutch.
No prior knowledge of nutrition or experience with yoga is required.
To register click here. More information via lorette at
Saturday May 18: 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM