Vitamin E rich Kiwi Smoothie Bowl
This smoothie can be used as a facial mask but it is also very tasty to eat for breakfast, snack or dinner. It contains adequate amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, protein and is high in the antioxidant Vitamin E.
Antioxidants are as the name indicates useful to prevent excessive oxidation happening in the body. Oxidation is a process that releases free radicals that can damage tissues and which can block absorption of nutrients.
Vitamin E strengthens the cell membrane (outer layer of the cell) and protects the tissues of the skin, eyes, liver and breast. Vitamin E, found in avocado, hempseeds and wheatgrass powder works better when taken with other antioxidants such as Vitamin C (in kiwi and lime) and selenium (in Brazil nuts).
2 big bowls or 3 smaller glasses
3 kiwi’s
3 dates
6 Brazil nuts (soaked in water for 1hr).
½ avocado
3 tablespoons oats
½ lime – squeezed
1 teaspoon of wheatgrass powder
300 ml water, plantbased milk or coconut water
3 tablespoons of roasted coconut flakes
3 tablespoons of hempseeds
Place everything in a high speed blender, except the toppings, and blend for 45 seconds until smooth. Divide toppings over 3 glasses or 2 big bowls and enjoy!