
Anti-Stress Shitake Miso Soup

shitake miso


2 small red onions
1 minced garlic
1 piece of fresh ginger (thumb-size)
1 tablespoon ghee (clarified butter)
250 gram of sliced shitake mushrooms
1 teaspoon harissa herbs
1 teaspoon garam masala
1 tablespoon miso paste
1000 ml water


Cut onions in small pieces, mince garlic and grate ginger. Add ghee to a soup pan and bring to heat. Mix onions, garlic and ginger and herbs (harissa & garam masala) in the pan and cook on low fire for 5 min. Add shitake mushrooms and stir fry for 10 min. or until mushrooms are soft. Then add water and bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, turn heat off and add miso paste. Serve right away and enjoy!