Ins & Outs of Detoxification


Twice a year I try to follow a detoxification protocol for an extended period of time. Usually this consists of excluding the foods I love the most: coffee, chocolate and dairy. The first day I always wonder why I am doing it as I feel more tired but on day 2 I already start to feel a shift in energy.

Last Spring I skipped my detox protocol as I am nursing my new-born. During pregnancy and breastfeeding it is not recommended to stir up toxins as this might be passed on to the (future) baby. Yet as always my focus was on eating a clean and whole foods diet to limit toxins ending up in my breast milk.

Since I couldn’t do a full detox protocol I decided to dive deeper into the various protocols by following an advanced detox course online through the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, an institute I used to work at. I’d like to share some of the basic guidelines about detoxification.

Just like myself on day 1 you might wander why you need to detoxify and from what? First of all, we can distinguish between endogenous toxins versus exogenous toxins. Endogenous toxins are toxins produced within the body such as by products of intestinal microorganisms. Exogenous toxins are those that come from the outside world such as UV light or car exhaust. In sum our bodies are being bombarded with various toxins and as long as we have good ways to get rid of these toxins, we feel healthy and energetic.

Since our liver is our main detoxifier that converts anything that is harmful into less harmful substances, it is crucial to keep this organ in good shape. The kidneys and intestines are assisting in this process by trying to get rid of toxins either through our urine or faeces. These 3 organs are the primary organs involved with detoxification and when they are overburdened symptoms can occur or disease can set in. When either or all of these 3 are backed up, we might start to experience issues with our skin or lungs as well.

Who can benefit from a detox?

Those who have symptoms such as bad breath, gas, bloating, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, pain, constipation and the list can go on. In other words if you feel something is off health wise. If you don’t experience any symptoms, try a detox and notice the difference before and after. At all times before starting any detox protocol you want to make sure you are having a regular bowel movement, at least 1 a day. That is the main path to eliminate toxins so that they are not being reabsorbed.

How to detox?

This greatly depends on what kind of complaints or symptoms you have. Detox doesn’t mean fasting or only drinking liquids. What anyone can do is to ensure that you are hydrated well. By that I don’t mean coffee or black teas but rather clean water and herbal teas. You know if you are well hydrated when your urine is light coloured instead of dark yellow or completely clear. In addition you wish to focus on lean protein sources and organic fruit and vegetables sources in moderate amounts. Avoid overeating at any time which burdens the digestive tract and organs more.

Secondly you wish to reduce exogenous toxins where possible and limit stress as much as you can. Easier said than done. Better not to plan your detox in a time where you have lots of deadlines or social events.

Thirdly we want to encourage circulation in the blood and lymph. Our lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help the body to get rid of waste. By getting the heart rate up and induce sweating, we assist the body in getting rid of toxins. Lymphatic circulation depends entirely on our muscles to move and get the blood and lymph flowing in order to do its job.

How Long?

Anywhere between 3 to 5 days up till 4 weeks. It is up to you and the severity of symptoms you experience and how you feel on the detox. If you experience severe headaches, nausea or excessive fatigue longer than 3 days detox and elimination pathways are not being supported enough. If you need guidance on what detox protocol addresses your personal goals, book a consult now and find out.